CD Rippers
Which CD
Rippers encode with high
and are still fast?
CD rippers are applications which can copy
music tracks from your CD to
the HD of your computer, usually at multiple speed.
But audio tracks
cannot be accessed the same way as data, which are filed in sectors. Music is written in one continuous spiral and that seems to be
harder to read for some mysterious reason (maybe because audio also uses
a simpler form of error correction code).
You need jitter correction, special drives and such gimmicks to
get that audio to your HD without distortion. And that leads us to the question,...
What's really important for high quality ripping?
1. A fast and compatible CD-ROM drive:
Extracting audio from CD doesn't have anything to do with playing audio
on your PC. While all drives can play, only the better ones can transfer
your tracks digitally to your HD without any errors!!! Also the
speed for reading audio differs from reading data. It's usually much lower.
Therefore you have to watch out
- jitter-free audio-extraction
- high digital
audio reading speed
2. A good codec
(the "formula" by which the music gets compressed):
In order to compress files to mp3 you need codecs
installed on your system. Go to this page Mp3
Encoder -
Music Software Reviews
in order to find out more about the best encoders.
Just to give you the
essence about encoders here. The best sound quality at the moment produces
the Lame encoder at a good encoding speed. If you need really fast
encoding with slightly less quality you can use the Xing encoder.
Also the original Fraunhofer codec is not bad. But Lame is slightly
better now.
3. Compression Software:
If you are not an
extensive user of compressed audio files you can stay with the
windows media player. This software is usable and does a good job
without any additional installation necessary.
For professional
purposes I would use a freeware program that really convinced me.
Exact Audio Copy together with the lame
encoder. It has a straightforward user interface and is quite easy
to handle.
You can use it with a lot of different decoders so
there is room for future developments. It's main advantage however is
the ability to copy files perfectly. It has a built in error
detection and this feature alone is worth using it in a professional